Broadway is open for business during construction.
We look forward to seeing you in the neighbourhood. Here you can find information for your visit.

Getting around Broadway
Traffic lanes are open on Broadway with traffic decks over excavated areas to keep people moving. Construction is focused on station locations, with no excavation between stations.
It’s easy to reach your destination on foot. We’ve built eight pedestrian bridges at our station sites to help you get to your favourite shops and services while work continues below your feet.
Both the #99 B-Line and #9 local bus service are operating on Broadway throughout the project. Check TransLink’s Trip Planner for up-to-date information about bus service in and around Broadway. We are committed to keeping buses on schedule.
Use our parking and access maps for each station area along Broadway if you’re driving. There is street parking in off-peak times in select locations on Broadway, and more than 6,000 public parking spots off Broadway within two blocks. Some businesses also have dedicated parking or parking validation programs. Not sure what a parking sign means? Here is a guide from the City of Vancouver.
Loading zones and Room to Loads are short-term parking opportunities for quick stops. They work great for grabbing take-out, picking something up from a shop or dropping someone off for an appointment. Look for these signs or check our parking and access maps above for the locations of all passenger/loading zones.
Look for business signage in construction areas showing where to find local businesses, health services and restaurants.

Broadway Subway Mural Program
We’ve installed three temporary murals at our construction sites to beautify fencing and reduce graffiti.
- The mural at Great Northern Way displays information about construction equipment and stages of construction and features viewing windows that allow the public to see directly into the construction site.
- The mural at Mount Pleasant Station on Main Street was a collaboration between the Broadway Subway Project and the Mount Pleasant BIA and features historical images of the neighbourhood.
- Two murals highlight children’s artwork: one is installed at Arbutus Station and the other is in development for 10th Avenue and Cambie Street at the Broadway-City Hall Station.
- In addition, visually appealing business wayfinding designs and string lighting have been installed on the sides of pedestrian bridges to ensure a welcoming and safe environment.
Introducing our mitigation team
The Project has created a dedicated team to respond quickly to stakeholder feedback around access, business visibility, sidewalk improvements and general cleanliness. They regularly provide professional window cleaning services, power wash sidewalks, and remove graffiti and garbage. You may also see them on Broadway improving or repairing sidewalks or adjusting fencing. They’re working full time to keep Broadway an attractive and convenient place to live, work or visit throughout construction.
Business Supports
The Broadway Subway Project team frequently engages with businesses, particularly in the five station construction areas on Broadway, in order to provide advance notice of upcoming activities and work collaboratively on measures to support businesses. These businesses have dedicated project contacts and outreach occurs in person or by email, text or phone call on a regular basis. In addition to the mitigation team supports listed above, specific measures include:
- Working directly with stakeholders to address concerns around noise, dust or nighttime lights.
- Adjusting fence height based on stakeholder feedback while balancing the needs of noise and dust mitigation where needed.
- Installing more than 80 business wayfinding signs for businesses in our station areas.
- Relocating commercial loading zones from Broadway to the nearest cross streets, as well as identifying locations for new loading zones.
- Timing certain activities such as water shutoffs at night.
We continue to work with businesses as construction activities progress and look for opportunities to collaborate throughout the duration of the project. We appreciate everyone’s patience as we work as quickly as we can to deliver this project to provide fast, frequent, and reliable SkyTrain service along this important corridor.
If you’re a business owner and you would like to speak to us, see our contact page.
Our Partners
Click here for more information about the City of Vancouver’s role on the Broadway Subway Project and the Support Broadway Business awareness campaign.
We work collaboratively with the three Business Improvement Associations that serve businesses along the Broadway Subway Project route, including the Mount Pleasant BIA, the Cambie Village BIA and the South Granville BIA. Check their websites for specific information on businesses or projects in each neighbourhood.